Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tired and Sore...

I woke up today not really wanting to get up and get going. If you want to find out, keep reading. If not, skip to the next paragraph. So for you who want to find out, I'll tell you. Yesterday was the Hunger Games, and there was a lot of running going on. It started off with a feast of sandwiches and interesting cookies. After we ate, we went outside to "train." The alliance I formed with Ari, Sofi, Rosa, and I, focused mainly on aim. When training was done, we went back inside for the rules and to find out what district we were in. I was in district 3, and we found out what constituted a wound, how many "lives" we had, and when we could run to the "cornucopia."  We then headed outside for the games. Our alliance formed a plan, and that plan worked out. Abby joined our ranks, and we started "ganging up" on people. Sadly, Sofi was the first to die. She sponsored Ari, and we tried to stay alive. Rosa was next, and then Ari. By that time, only about 8 people were still in it, though I don't recall who. Abby was killed, and It came down to Irma, Noor's little brother, and me. Irma was killed and that left Noor's little bro and me. I felt really bad about the situation, but he wasn't going down without a fight. I managed to kill him with two hits to the legs. I wasn't all that happy to win, though. And it seemed like the others weren't either. We went inside for awards, and the running started to catch up with me. I felt so crappy, and I had to lie down for about an hour and a half when I got home before I could walk without too much pain. I didn't sleep all that well, so it was really hard to drag myself out of bed.
Today, we started out with an activity, which was to try to get all members to stand up from a sitting position while our arms are linked. We came back inside to work on NXT. We finished our gymnast, and started our rattle snake. We finished the bot as well as the program. Then it was time for lunch, which was very entertaining.
When we came back , we started on Alice. Susi led us through another project, and then set us free to work on our own projects.
Now time for the Prompt!!!
List at least 10 things that make you happy.
1. YWiC
2. Programming
3. Biscochos
4. Orchestra
5. Reading
6. Hanging out with friends
7. People telling me they care about me
8. Eating my mom's food
9. Watching The Big Bang Theory
10. Bonding with all my siblings
11. (I have to include this because 11 is my family number) Having an awesome Twin sister. I know this should be first, but I am way too lazy right now to move it up to the top of the list.


  1. i care about you ^^ and i'm glad lunch was entertaining. I try

    1. Thanks! Now I'm happy. And I'm glad you try. Lunch would be boring without you.

  2. Hey!
    Don't worry about my brother. He's just super competitive! I'm glad you won!
    I care about you too!

    See ya tomorrow!
