Friday, June 28, 2013

Last day of Camp

Today, sadly, was the last day of camp. I was very sad, but Ari and I just found out that we are going to the residential camp! We are SO excited for it! It was awesome when Linday found out. Her reaction made me feel so awesome. Anywho, now for a relay of the events of the day. 
Today started with me going to physical therapy. Nope. I lied. That day started with my mom and me dropping off Ari at the camp, then going to the physical therapy. I began therapy with the bike, to warm me up. I was on it for ten minutes, and managed to bike a 1.3 miles. This is great because I am not very active and it probably would have taken me longer to bike as much if I had actually ridden a bike. After that, the physical therapist, whom I will call PT, evaluated my pelvis, and she found out that my right hip is rotated, which is probably why my left leg seems longer. So after doing some excercises to try to get the muscles used to a new position, she attached some electrodes to the back of my hips, and put a hot pack on me to relax the muscles. It felt good. And my legs felt even for once. 
When that was done, my mom took me to the camp. I got there while the other campers were finishing their projects. Ari had finished our Alice video, and our NXT snake was done, so we went around and tried to help some people with their projects. When we were all done, we went to practice our presentations. It went well. 
Lunch was so awesome. We had fettuccine Alfredo from Lorenzo's. I prefer the penne pasta with red sauce, but Lorenzo's is Lorenzo's. Galen, our queen, was not there to join us, so we were kind of lost and quiet. We had Linday sit in her chair to try to make up for Galen's absense. It was really fun, and I learned some new things about Linday. 
After lunch, we went to set up and get ready for presentations. We started out presentations and it went well. We started with Alice. I think our project was cool. After Alice came NXT. We showed off our snake, and it was really cool. Here's a picture. 
This was an awesome project to make, and really easy to program. After we presented, he instructors gave out awards. 
Shockingly, the forensics team I was on won the forensics competition. I thought Galen's team would win. We got our own fake blood and other cool stuff. Ari and I will probably try to create a murder scene with what we got. 
I was surprised that I won the "Passionate Programmer" award. Not so much that Ari wine the "Beautiful Blogger" award. After all the awards, I got the Victor's award since I won the Hunger Games that they had. I got this awesome Google Chrome water botte, seen bellow. 
So awesome. After all the awards and secret gifts to the instructors and assistants, we went back to the lab for an open lab. When we were getting ready to leave, we took a picture with the instructors, assistants, and the amazing Becca. I'm going to miss Jen so much. She's so awesome. I hope she enjoys Santa Fe. We gave them all hugs, and left. But not for the last time. We will always be back. Can't wait for the next camp!! 
Camp is so awesome. Any chance I get, I will go to a YWiC event. They got me into computer science, and I can never thank them enough. I hope to stay involved with YWiC, whether as a participant or maybe an assistant or even an instructor! I love YWiC and all those awesome women there. Thank you. So long for now! 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Crunch Time

Today started off with Jen complimenting my hair today, which made me very happy. I like having my hair in braids, but it takes too long for me to do it, so my mom usually has to do it for me. I also like my hair in braids because it makes me look and feel more native.
So when we got in, we found the camp directors messing around and acting much younger than they are. It was really funny when they started to draw out the "Circle of Life." When 9 came around, we went outside and practiced "hand to hand combat" with spoons and Styrofoam balls. The goal was to get the other person's ball knocked off, and the winner was the last person to have their ball on the spoon. I managed to win one of the games in the afternoon. I tried teaching Linday how to hold the spoon, but then I would knock her ball off her spoon. It was funny. We came back in and worked on Alice. Ari and I got pretty far, but we are not done yet.
Lunch was amazing pizza. We also had garlic bread and nightlock berries. They were delicious. Today's conversation at our table was awesomely funny and a little awkward. Overall, lunch was very entertaining.
Afterwards, we had an open lab while we watched the Hunger Games. Ari and I worked on Alice because we finished our rattle snake.
I loved watching the Hunger Games, but it made me a little upset. I wasn't upset at the movie itself, but at Jennifer Lawrence. I don't have anything against her, but it just reminds me of when she came to Las Cruces to film the Burning Plane.
They filmed part of that movie here in Las Cruces, and a good portion was filmed across the street from my older sister's house. They used my sister's house to hold part some of the equipment as well as a daycare for the child actors. When they finished the movie, they went to my sister's house and shot pictures of the cast that was there inside my sister's house while we were there. I wish I had proof, but I can't find any of the pictures. Still. Jennifer Lawrence was within 6 feet of us!!! I wish I had gotten a signature from her. Sigh.... Oh well. Enough ranting. Back to the day.
Now for the prompt!
Computers are very important to everyday life. Imagine life without computers. You would have to make coffee on your own. You wouldn't be able to text anyone. You might not even be able to call someone. And what about music? Computers are needed to run and or create most of the tings you need in order to survive.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tired and Sore...

I woke up today not really wanting to get up and get going. If you want to find out, keep reading. If not, skip to the next paragraph. So for you who want to find out, I'll tell you. Yesterday was the Hunger Games, and there was a lot of running going on. It started off with a feast of sandwiches and interesting cookies. After we ate, we went outside to "train." The alliance I formed with Ari, Sofi, Rosa, and I, focused mainly on aim. When training was done, we went back inside for the rules and to find out what district we were in. I was in district 3, and we found out what constituted a wound, how many "lives" we had, and when we could run to the "cornucopia."  We then headed outside for the games. Our alliance formed a plan, and that plan worked out. Abby joined our ranks, and we started "ganging up" on people. Sadly, Sofi was the first to die. She sponsored Ari, and we tried to stay alive. Rosa was next, and then Ari. By that time, only about 8 people were still in it, though I don't recall who. Abby was killed, and It came down to Irma, Noor's little brother, and me. Irma was killed and that left Noor's little bro and me. I felt really bad about the situation, but he wasn't going down without a fight. I managed to kill him with two hits to the legs. I wasn't all that happy to win, though. And it seemed like the others weren't either. We went inside for awards, and the running started to catch up with me. I felt so crappy, and I had to lie down for about an hour and a half when I got home before I could walk without too much pain. I didn't sleep all that well, so it was really hard to drag myself out of bed.
Today, we started out with an activity, which was to try to get all members to stand up from a sitting position while our arms are linked. We came back inside to work on NXT. We finished our gymnast, and started our rattle snake. We finished the bot as well as the program. Then it was time for lunch, which was very entertaining.
When we came back , we started on Alice. Susi led us through another project, and then set us free to work on our own projects.
Now time for the Prompt!!!
List at least 10 things that make you happy.
1. YWiC
2. Programming
3. Biscochos
4. Orchestra
5. Reading
6. Hanging out with friends
7. People telling me they care about me
8. Eating my mom's food
9. Watching The Big Bang Theory
10. Bonding with all my siblings
11. (I have to include this because 11 is my family number) Having an awesome Twin sister. I know this should be first, but I am way too lazy right now to move it up to the top of the list.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

NXT Robotics!!!!

Today started out like normal, which was a little odd. Today, Ari and I decided to come to camp dressed alike to see how people would react. It was the perfect day to do so, because today's activity was a name learning game. We had to say our name and motion what we like to do. The poor girls had a hard time with Ari and I, and it didn't help that we stood right next to each other. It was really fun for us. When we were going back, Linday asked us about why we came like twins today. We told her that we wanted to and that it worked out. I love dressing the same at school, and then switching classes. We like to do it at the beginning of the school year, because most people (teachers) do not know us enough yet. It's really funny when people who have known us for a while *cough**cough* get us confused as to which one we are.
After this, we worked on Alice. Ari and I have some of our video done, but we still have a lot to finish.
Lunch was awesome Mexican food, but for me, it was just food. Anywho, we ate while listening to Disney songs.
After lunch, we went to solve a crime. Specifically, a murder in CS. We had to find out who was killed, how was the killer, and what happened. We had a hard time with this, but we did come up with a scenario. I'm on a time crunch, so I can't tell you.
Afterwards, we worked on NXT robotics, my favorite part of the day. I've been doing NXT for the past 3 years, so this was very easy for me.  We did well, and I think we got the farthest on the gymnast.
Thankfully, we don't have a prompt, so I will leave you for now.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Late Start

Today was an unusual day that will soon become the norm. In case you are wondering, this morning I went to a physical therapist because of the VERY mild scoliosis I have. Since it was the first appointment, the physical therapist evaluated me. The physical therapist was the same one who worked on my sister to try to get her wrist to rotate normally. It was nice to know that she remembered us. I told her that, according to a person from another spine place, my left leg is shorter that the right. She told me that, to her, it seemed that my right leg was shorter. I don't know what it is, but this is very confusing. She told me how the course of treatment would be, and I was scheduled for the next 2 months. I hope this will help prevent any further curvature, as well as any form of surgery.
So after this, I went to camp. I was about an hour late, hence the title. I got here at the start of Alice, so I wasn't too behind. We made a Nemo short animation and mine turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself, and I do. When we were done with it, we broke into teams and started brainstorming ideas for the project we will do for this camp. Of course, my partner was Ari. We are very bad at being creative, so it took us a while. We finally decided to make a YMCA animation, where the viewer has to click on the Y, M, C, and A keys so that the dancers do the moves. I hope we can finish it this in time.
Lunch was delicious sandwiches. I ate two, and they were amazing. When Ari and I were done, we practiced "Catch the Rainbow," or as I call it, "Taste the Rainbow." I'm getting pretty good, so you better be prepared to wear a Bing shirt, Tasha. Even if the Google ninjas come to get you.
After lunch, we went outside for a challenge. We broke into two teams, and we had to figure out a way to get all of the team members onto a blanket. My team was able to get everyone off the ground with only about a foot by foot piece of blanket. Our "leader," Galen, figured out a loop whole. She had us all link arms, while she stood on the blanket, and those not on the blanket all jumped up at the same time. It was awesome.
We came in and learned about blood spatter. It was interesting. After we learned that, we got back to Alice. Ari and I managed to program the "Y" move.
Now for the prompt.
What quality or talent  is most likely to make me famous one day?
Since I am allowed to brag, I will.
I think that my programming skills will most likely make me famous. Paired with my good conscious, people would love me (I flatter myself). I hope I become famous. But that it won't get to my head. So long for now.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Fear No Mas!!

Today started off well, with me wearing my Batgirl shirt with the velcro cape. We started off with another challenge. Today was trying to make different letters with our bodies. It was very easy, contrary to what the camp assistants thought. We came in and started working on fingerprinting. I hate fingerprinting because I am very bad at it. I did better this time, so that was good. My Primary Classification number was 23/27. I am so glad I brought a ton of sanitizer wipes, because they really came in handy with the ink. After we cleaned up, we started working on LilyPad. I completely finished my program as well as sewing the components on with conductive thread. I am very happy with the way my bag came out. I wish I had a picture to show you.
We had amazing pizza for lunch today. We also had assorted Harry Potter themed snacks. They were delicious.  After lunch, we had an open lab, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was playing on the white boards while we worked. Since I finished my LilyPad, I spent the whole time working on the app. I was able to work some things out with some help, but I'll need to work on it after camp.
Time for today's super important prompt!!!
What would I do if I wasn't afraid?
I have given this a lot of thought, and I would stop being afraid to tell a boy that they are wrong when it comes to programming and life in general. I hate staying silent, but society has this stigma that women should be silent. I would try to do things that are predominantly male so that I can be and example for other girls.
Since this is my blog, I feel that I can vent.
At school there is this annoying boy who has it all wrong about all-girl activities. He thinks it's sexist when there are things for only girls, and doesn't mind voicing that opinion. I have tried explaining it to him, but I can't be around him for too long before I feel like ripping his head off. I tried telling him that all-girl camps are not meant to exclude boys, but to get rid of the negative influence they have on girls, as well as to boost the girls' confidence. I believe that guys exclude girls because they do not feel that girls belong. All-girl clubs, camps, activities, etc. are just to give the girls the courage to do thinks previously thought to be "taboo." It certainly help me. I hope it helps many more girls step out of their shells.  

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Half-Way Done

Well, today is kinda sad, because the first half of this first week of camp is already over. Along with that realization comes the thought of all that needs to be done by Friday. Oh well, best not to think about that now.
Anywho, today started off weird, because Ari had a doctors appointment today and was gone for most of the camp. It was weird not seeing her this morning. You would think I would be used to it considering we had almost completely different schedules last year.
Camp started with a (failed) challenge of keeping a beach ball in the air for 100 hits, with each of us campers hitting it at least 5 times.
We only made it to 16.
We cam back in and launched straight into LilyPad. I finished my programming and painting my white tiger. I was very proud of myself. Now I just need to sew the components on.
Lunch was Asian food. I felt alone without Ari. I know I have others I can talk to, but my other half is very important to me.
When we got back, we started with App Inventor. We got into groups, and our team name was AAA. I was very tempted to add "batteries" to the end, but I don't know how my teammates would have liked that. We decided to do a Hangman app, and we almost have all the design done, but coding is far from done. we'll have to work on it tonight, but Ari and I will be busy until about 8, so there will be little time. I hope I can finish my bag by the time we have open lab so that I can work with Allison on the app.
Now for today's prompt: Which character from a book would you most like to meet and why? What would you do with them?
Of all the characters from the books I have read, I would love to meet Annabeth Chase from the Percy Jackson and the Lost Heroes series by Rich Riordan. I would love to meet her because she is a daughter of Athena, which means she is very smart. I would love to go sightseeing with her in Rome or Greece so that she can tell me all about the architecture and the myths. She wants to be an architect, so it wouldn't be too hard to convince her. It's always nice to be around girls my age who are intelligent and are not afraid to be. Well, so long for now.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Well, today was eventful. We started off by doing a human knot, and it was very awkward. We got to know some of the campers a little too well. On our first attempt, we managed to create two different circles. And if that wasn't enough, we had to do it again! You can imagine my frustration. It took us quite a while before we even were able to move around. To make matters worse, we had formed four different circles! It was all very interesting and fun, but frustrating as well.  Regardless, it gave us some fresh air.
When we got back inside, we learned about LilyPad. I'm no beginner, but I still find the sewing hard. I have finally mastered the art of tying knots, a skill that has long evaded me. Then it was lunch.
Lunch was delicious, but we ended up getting locked up, which wasn't all that bad. Ari and I practiced on our throwing and catching for "Catch the Rainbow," a game we are pretty good at, not to toot my own horn. I hope to someday be better than Tasha. If that happens, I'm going to make her wear a Bing shirt for a whole day. Ahhh, daydreams.
When we got back inside of the cave, (creative but accurate name for the room the camp is in) we started on App Inventor. It was easy, as I have done it before. I almost finished my mini golf app tutorial, but then we had to work on LilyPad. I've started working on my tiger bag, hence the title, and it isn't a total mess. I suck at drawing though, so that may not be the case for long.
Now it's time for the prompt!!!!! Yay! (Can you hear the sarcasm?)
The prompt for the day: Write a run-on sentence about what we have to do this week.
I have to go home and try to clean out my older sister's old room so that we can paint it and put wood flooring down so that we can put the furniture and stuff back in so that Ari and I can move into the room so that my room that I am in will become the computer room, and that I have to do chores and do my summer reading as well as hope and pray that Ari's arm can be fixed and then work on my LilyPad project so that I'll be ahead, and then work on App Inventor, and on Friday my brother will take us to see Monster University and then we'll go get something to eat, depending on when we see the movie, and then go to sleep (not at the end of the week, but I'll probably need it the most by then.)
So long for now!

Monday, June 17, 2013

YWiC HS Camp 1- Day 1

Today was the first day of the first camp for high schoolers this summer. I'm so excited!!! I love these camps, and this first day was amazing. We started with an orientation, and then went outside for an ice-breaker. Then, we went straight into learning the core concepts.  After doing the revue sheets and posters, we headed to lunch of sandwiches. We came back and played Jeopardy. It was fun, but my team did not win, sadly. Next was my favorite part, LilyPad. I love this program. Now it's time for the blog.
Today's prompt: Describe one time you were brave.
This is a very hard thing to describe, because I am not very brave. I do have one example, though it is not much.
The only time I can think of being slightly brave is when I had to help Arianna when she fell while ice skating in Albuquerque and had to get stitches. I was brave in that I did not freak out when I saw the blood, given that I have a fear of blood. It is so bad that I almost threw up as well as pass out the last time I had blood drawn. Anyway, I also had to comfort Ari when they actually had to put the stitches in her head. I was afraid, but I could tell she was in a lot of pain, and that caused me immense pain, so I decided the rub her back. I wanted to make the situation not as bad as it was, and I hoped I succeeded. That's all I have for now. Can't wait for tomorrow!!