Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Well, today was eventful. We started off by doing a human knot, and it was very awkward. We got to know some of the campers a little too well. On our first attempt, we managed to create two different circles. And if that wasn't enough, we had to do it again! You can imagine my frustration. It took us quite a while before we even were able to move around. To make matters worse, we had formed four different circles! It was all very interesting and fun, but frustrating as well.  Regardless, it gave us some fresh air.
When we got back inside, we learned about LilyPad. I'm no beginner, but I still find the sewing hard. I have finally mastered the art of tying knots, a skill that has long evaded me. Then it was lunch.
Lunch was delicious, but we ended up getting locked up, which wasn't all that bad. Ari and I practiced on our throwing and catching for "Catch the Rainbow," a game we are pretty good at, not to toot my own horn. I hope to someday be better than Tasha. If that happens, I'm going to make her wear a Bing shirt for a whole day. Ahhh, daydreams.
When we got back inside of the cave, (creative but accurate name for the room the camp is in) we started on App Inventor. It was easy, as I have done it before. I almost finished my mini golf app tutorial, but then we had to work on LilyPad. I've started working on my tiger bag, hence the title, and it isn't a total mess. I suck at drawing though, so that may not be the case for long.
Now it's time for the prompt!!!!! Yay! (Can you hear the sarcasm?)
The prompt for the day: Write a run-on sentence about what we have to do this week.
I have to go home and try to clean out my older sister's old room so that we can paint it and put wood flooring down so that we can put the furniture and stuff back in so that Ari and I can move into the room so that my room that I am in will become the computer room, and that I have to do chores and do my summer reading as well as hope and pray that Ari's arm can be fixed and then work on my LilyPad project so that I'll be ahead, and then work on App Inventor, and on Friday my brother will take us to see Monster University and then we'll go get something to eat, depending on when we see the movie, and then go to sleep (not at the end of the week, but I'll probably need it the most by then.)
So long for now!


  1. Dear Analyssa, you better keep practicing! ;) Plus, not that it will happen, but I think if I wore a Bing shirt for a whole day, I would melt. Either that or, secret Google ninjas would hunt me down... LOL I love reading your blogposts, so keep it up!

    1. Awesome! And I will eventually get at least as good as you. Even if you melt. Or the Google ninjas get you.
