Thursday, June 27, 2013

Crunch Time

Today started off with Jen complimenting my hair today, which made me very happy. I like having my hair in braids, but it takes too long for me to do it, so my mom usually has to do it for me. I also like my hair in braids because it makes me look and feel more native.
So when we got in, we found the camp directors messing around and acting much younger than they are. It was really funny when they started to draw out the "Circle of Life." When 9 came around, we went outside and practiced "hand to hand combat" with spoons and Styrofoam balls. The goal was to get the other person's ball knocked off, and the winner was the last person to have their ball on the spoon. I managed to win one of the games in the afternoon. I tried teaching Linday how to hold the spoon, but then I would knock her ball off her spoon. It was funny. We came back in and worked on Alice. Ari and I got pretty far, but we are not done yet.
Lunch was amazing pizza. We also had garlic bread and nightlock berries. They were delicious. Today's conversation at our table was awesomely funny and a little awkward. Overall, lunch was very entertaining.
Afterwards, we had an open lab while we watched the Hunger Games. Ari and I worked on Alice because we finished our rattle snake.
I loved watching the Hunger Games, but it made me a little upset. I wasn't upset at the movie itself, but at Jennifer Lawrence. I don't have anything against her, but it just reminds me of when she came to Las Cruces to film the Burning Plane.
They filmed part of that movie here in Las Cruces, and a good portion was filmed across the street from my older sister's house. They used my sister's house to hold part some of the equipment as well as a daycare for the child actors. When they finished the movie, they went to my sister's house and shot pictures of the cast that was there inside my sister's house while we were there. I wish I had proof, but I can't find any of the pictures. Still. Jennifer Lawrence was within 6 feet of us!!! I wish I had gotten a signature from her. Sigh.... Oh well. Enough ranting. Back to the day.
Now for the prompt!
Computers are very important to everyday life. Imagine life without computers. You would have to make coffee on your own. You wouldn't be able to text anyone. You might not even be able to call someone. And what about music? Computers are needed to run and or create most of the tings you need in order to survive.


  1. Omg! You were close to Jennifer Lawrence? Awesome! :)
