Monday, June 24, 2013

Late Start

Today was an unusual day that will soon become the norm. In case you are wondering, this morning I went to a physical therapist because of the VERY mild scoliosis I have. Since it was the first appointment, the physical therapist evaluated me. The physical therapist was the same one who worked on my sister to try to get her wrist to rotate normally. It was nice to know that she remembered us. I told her that, according to a person from another spine place, my left leg is shorter that the right. She told me that, to her, it seemed that my right leg was shorter. I don't know what it is, but this is very confusing. She told me how the course of treatment would be, and I was scheduled for the next 2 months. I hope this will help prevent any further curvature, as well as any form of surgery.
So after this, I went to camp. I was about an hour late, hence the title. I got here at the start of Alice, so I wasn't too behind. We made a Nemo short animation and mine turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself, and I do. When we were done with it, we broke into teams and started brainstorming ideas for the project we will do for this camp. Of course, my partner was Ari. We are very bad at being creative, so it took us a while. We finally decided to make a YMCA animation, where the viewer has to click on the Y, M, C, and A keys so that the dancers do the moves. I hope we can finish it this in time.
Lunch was delicious sandwiches. I ate two, and they were amazing. When Ari and I were done, we practiced "Catch the Rainbow," or as I call it, "Taste the Rainbow." I'm getting pretty good, so you better be prepared to wear a Bing shirt, Tasha. Even if the Google ninjas come to get you.
After lunch, we went outside for a challenge. We broke into two teams, and we had to figure out a way to get all of the team members onto a blanket. My team was able to get everyone off the ground with only about a foot by foot piece of blanket. Our "leader," Galen, figured out a loop whole. She had us all link arms, while she stood on the blanket, and those not on the blanket all jumped up at the same time. It was awesome.
We came in and learned about blood spatter. It was interesting. After we learned that, we got back to Alice. Ari and I managed to program the "Y" move.
Now for the prompt.
What quality or talent  is most likely to make me famous one day?
Since I am allowed to brag, I will.
I think that my programming skills will most likely make me famous. Paired with my good conscious, people would love me (I flatter myself). I hope I become famous. But that it won't get to my head. So long for now.

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