Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Today I woke up with my left arm being sore, and I don't know why. It's probably because of the way I sleep. Anyhow, I woke up late and was worried that I wouldn't be ready in time for physical therapy. 
Therapy today was short but a little tiring. 
I biked 3.3 miles in 15 minutes!!!! Yay! That is quite an accomplishment for me, considering I am not all that active or athletic. I was, however, sore after that, hence the title. 
After that, the physical therapist looked at my hips, and it turns out that they are even! And that my legs are finally even! So then she gave me some stretches and strength exercises that will help to eliminate the curving of my spine in my upper back. I will be sore by my next appointment. 
Currently, my mom is making her amazing enchilada soup. I can't wait for it to be done.
Now for the prompt! 
Who is my favorite villain? 
My favorite villain would have to be the Joker from the Batman. He is the comic version of Moriarty, which is awesome. Joker is a not so very complicated criminal who is very sadistic. He has lost his morality and only looks for ways to hurt Batman and others. He is one of the only ones who thinks of crimes that will hurt Batman. He wants to defeat him, but they think similarly. He is the nemesis of Batman, which is why he is my favorite. That's all for now. So long!

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