Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Today started off weird. I had to wake up at the same time as for camp, but I'm not going to camp. At least not YWiC camp. Today I go to orchestra camp. Before we even left the house, I became stressed. Not for camp, but because Ari almost threw up. I don't know why, but she didn't and the feeling went away. Still. It freaked me out and my anxiety went sky high. 
After that episode, we went to the orchestra camp. We got there about on time, and thankfully the doors were open. There were only 7 people at the camp including us. It was sad. We had four violins, a viola, a cello and a bass. It was disappointing. Still, we practiced. We started with tuning. We were all rising sophomores, and don't know how to tune on our own. Today, our teacher started to teach us how to tune our own instruments. We started with the A string. Then we double stopped the A and D string. We got pretty good at it. I was really mad that only the seven of us showed up. All of the orchestra should have been there to learn. Oh well. We will be the awesome kids in the orchestra. 
We had a five minute break between learning rhythms and bow markings. 
When we got back, we sight-read Farandole. I love this piece. I fell in love with it when I heard the Trans-Siberian Orchestra play it live when the came here a few years back. I got to play first violin, so I was happy. I even showed up this stuck-up kid whom I hate! I played it better, and made fewer mistakes. 
When camp was over, we went home and started working in our new room. It is starting to come together. We are almost done emptying it out so that we can take out the carpet and put in the wood. Before we do that, though, we have to finish painting the ceiling. We went to Walmart so we could go get the paint we need to paint the ceiling. It took a while because they couldn't get the right color with the machine. In the meantime, Ari and I found these huge marshmallows that were only 75 cents! So we got stuff for s'mores, and some other things. It was by then that we got the paint. It is only a tad bit darker and greener than what we had anticipated, but I like the color. 
When we got home, we ate dinner and then got back into our room. We emptied it out a little more and will hopefully start painting the ceiling. I'll let you know tomorrow if that happens. 
I forgot to mention that Jade texted me today! She got a new number because her old phone broke while she was at camp. It had been acting funny before, but it just burned out during camp. She got a new phone, and let us know. It was a very nice conversation. She told me that she would have stayed at camp for a whole month if she was give the option. She loved it and wished it were longer. So do I. I miss all the campers, but I really miss all of the instructors. 
So long for now!!


  1. i miss u guys 2 :( it's too quiet over here! Well...i mean i was the one doing all the talking anyway, but i have no one 2 talk 2!!!!! :(

    1. Yeah. I miss all the amazing times we had around the table at lunch...., ah, memories.
